To be human is to be in vulnerability


Debbie Williams Regional Volunteer Coordinator

“I define vulnerability as uncertainty, risk & emotional exposure. To be human is to be in vulnerability.”

Brene Brown

This quote by Brene Brown just struck such a chord with me. There just seems to be so much about life that we can’t control at the moment. It’s a constant round of worrying statistics, new restrictions, uncertainty and frustration. It felt good to have a reminder that vulnerability isn’t necessarily a negative thing when so many of us are feeling particularly vulnerable or fragile. “To be human is to be in vulnerability”, how reassuring is it to hear someone say that?  It is not a weakness and it is perfectly natural to feel vulnerable in this situation. Life is so very different for most of us. Change is hard and we have no control over many of the changes that we are being expected to make. 

Try to reflect on the quote and its message using the image of the lion peering out from behind a tree – what do you see as you study him? Spending time with nature can create so many wonderful moments to cause reflection back to us.

I can see in the lion courage and vulnerability, strength and uncertainty, much like the quote. Here is wisdom about knowing which battles to fight and when to walk away. He seems to reflect the wisdom and strength to follow the new guidance in spite of the frustration and heartache that it may cause; courage to admit when we feel vulnerable and to remember to be kind to ourselves. Always find ways to be kind to ourselves so we may grow our capacity to be kind to others.

If you’d like to talk, you can contact us via email on  where you can request a call-back, we also have a range of resources on our web-site including some that are more specific to the Covid-19 outbreak:

Our role is to help you to explore ways of meeting your own spiritual needs. What makes you feel valued, whole and at peace with yourself. We don’t have an agenda; we’re completely guided by you.  If you prefer you can easily keep in touch with us on social media: 

Facebook: @mitechaplaincy Twitter: @mitechaplaincy and @mitesthwarr

Debbie Williams