Annual Review 2023
Download the Annual Review for 2023 here to see the activities of MitE Chaplaincy.

Chaplaincy training

Workplace Chaplaincy Training
We've created a modular training resource for new workplace chaplains that can be adapted to any workplace context.
From an hour-long session to a full interactive day, this resource is designed to enthuse and equip churches to engage in workplace chaplaincy in their communities. Sessions include video interviews with workplace chaplains, discussion and scenario based activities.
The training is broken down into Basic Chaplaincy, General Awareness and Mental Health Awareness. Training can be offered to suit your requirements.
Chaplaincy today
This is a 4-week online course, where we explore together what it means to be a chaplain, where it can be done, why it is done and why it works. This is an opportunity to ask questions, find out more, explore possibilities for yourself.
You can either participate in this course individually or you can arrange a bespoke course for your church or group. Please get in touch for more details. The course is open to anyone of any denomination, whether they are just curious about chaplaincy or feel drawn to chaplaincy, whether they are lay or ordained. All are welcome.
Estimate next Course date: June 2023 (TBC)
Chaplaincy for your organisation

Could your organisation benefit from the presence of a chaplain?
Could your organisation benefit from the listening ear of a dedicated Chaplain who is impartial and available to everyone regardless of their personal beliefs?
What are the benefits? Firstly MitE guarantees that the chaplaincy service is independent, so any fears from employees about the chaplain being part of the management are removed.
Workplace chaplaincy can claim to be an independent, non-judgmental listening ear that guarantees a safe space for employees and management alike to inhabit. Not that this is unique to workplace chaplaincy, but often the chaplain in an commercial setting is employed by that institution and therefore there is not that independence or perceived independence.
By engaging a MitE chaplain, we guarantee impartiality and full independence.
MitE is always looking for new opportunities to support shops, businesses and voluntary organisations in the North West through chaplaincy. If your staff could benefit from the presence of a chaplain then don't hesitate to get in touch and we can discuss how MitE could work with you.
MitE listening

With increasing pressures and rapid change in the workplace, even the most stable and calm people can experience anxiety and concern. Mental health affects all of us and our ability to adapt and thrive can fluctuate daily. What if a lot of issues could be alleviated and resolved by talking to someone who will listen?
MitE Listening can provide a safe and confidential space for people to find their balance and re-centre themselves. The support provided is gentle and enabling, encouraging people to find their own solutions and affirming their ability and confidence.
MitE Listening is part of MitE Chaplaincy and, in line with our policies at MitE Chaplaincy, we do not seek to convert, evangelise or preach. We come alongside people, providing a friendly listening ear to people of all faiths and none. As an independent presence in the workplace, we are ideally placed to provide a confidential and safe space to enable those they meet to flourish in their work life, wellbeing and spirituality.