Who we are
Executive Director:
Laura Hutcheon joined MitE in November 2022. Her role is to support the existing MitE chaplains based across Merseyside, explore new workplace chaplaincy opportunities and encourage and establish new chaplains. Email Laura or follow her on Twitter.
Emily Hawkins has been with MitE since 2014 and looks after many of the administrative aspects of the charity. She provides logistical support to the MitE team, manages the MitE diary, oversees MitE's social media (you can find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) and is the first point of contact for enquiries on the phone or via the website. Email Emily.
Regional Volunteer
Co-ordinator (St Helens & Warrington):
Clare North is the Volunteer Co-ordinator covering St Helens and Warrington. Clare helps to recruit, train and support our volunteers as well as identifying new opportunities for chaplaincy. Contact Clare for any enquiries about St Helens or Warrington.
Regional Volunteer Co-ordinator
(Liverpool City Centre):
Michelle Wood is the Volunteer Co-ordinator for Liverpool City Centre. Please contact Michelle for more details about volunteering opportunities or new chaplaincy opportunities in Liverpool.
Michelle is also the Lead Chaplain for Liverpool John Lennon Airport
Our trustees
Revd Dr Miranda Threlfall Holmes
Diocese of Liverpool Representative
Rev Ron Reid
United Reformed Church Representative
Safeguarding Trustee
Barbara Ellis
United Reformed Church Representative
Business Trustee
Simon Eardley
Anglican Representative
GDPR Trustee/ Interim Chair
Ray Pealing
Archdiocese of Liverpool Representative
Retail Chaplaincy Trustee
Janet Keefe
Archdiocese of Liverpool Representative
Methodist Representative
MitE is concerned about quality of life in the workplace and for the unemployed. We believe in embracing Christian principles in business and that even in the hectic and stressful world of work it is important to make time for pause and thought.
We provide the organisation and support for Chaplains who are committed to ministry at the interface of faith and work. Our Chaplains work in the Retail, Commercial and Voluntary Sector across Merseyside. Their role is to listen, support, care and question. Chaplains are there for the individual and the organisation regardless of faith or belief. We currently have Chaplains at Local Solutions, Liverpool John Lennon Airport, St. John’s Market in Liverpool; Birchwood Business Park, Golden Square Shopping Centre and the Market in Warrington and St Helen’s Town Centre.
Trustees are nominated to serve on MitE Council by churches in the Merseyside Region or are co-opted, and are all volunteers.
Mission in the Economy is funded by churches in the Mersey Region and by host organisations in the Private and Public Sectors.
Registered Company No. 5136364
Registered Charity No. 1105830