A season of loneliness and isolation is when the caterpillar gets its wings.
Debbie Williams, Regional Volunteer Co-ordinator
I found a lovely quote online this morning when I was looking for inspiration for this week’s thought for the week and thought how appropriate it may seem for many of us at this time.
‘A season of loneliness and isolation is when the caterpillar gets its wings. Remember that next time you feel alone.’ ~ Mandy Hale.
Isn’t that a lovely way to consider this weird time that we are going through at the moment? As a time when we are growing and getting ready to flourish instead of withering and despairing as may sometimes feel when we are worried about work, about family and about how life has changed over the past weeks and there is no clear way out ahead.
In this time of social isolation we are gaining our wings and getting ready to fly in new ways as the future unfolds and the new ‘normal’ takes shape. So, enjoy the beauty of these moments, bask in the quietness and let the solitude become a balm for your soul, rather than a time of bleakness; and always remember that if you want to talk to someone independent about what you are feeling or just to hear another friendly voice who is also a great listener, MitE chaplains are here for you.
If you’d like to talk, you can contact us via email on info@mite.org.uk where you can request a call-back, we also have a range of resources on our web-site including some that are more specific to the Covid-19 outbreak: https://mite.org.uk
Our role is to help you to explore ways of meeting your own spiritual needs. What makes you feel valued, whole and at peace with yourself. We don’t have an agenda, we’re completely guided by you. If you prefer you can easily keep in touch with us on social media:
Facebook: @mitechaplaincy Twitter: @mitechaplaincy and @mitesthwarr