Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer Opportunities 〰️ YMCA 〰️ LJLAirport 〰️
MitE is a charity which works alongside local businesses, churches of all denominations, town and city councils and more, to provide chaplaincy services and work & well-being resources to businesses, public and voluntary communities around the North West.
“In these days of fast living and the stress that goes with it - some time out to talk to somebody can be an invaluable ingredient to help people make this complicated recipe we call life into an enjoyable feast.”
Work life
We are interested in the work lives of the people that we meet. Most people spend a large portion of their lives in a work environment and face all sorts of challenges, stresses and strains on a daily basis. We aspire to help people to be the best version of themselves that they can be in the workplace. We also see challenging injustice in the workplace as an important part of our work.
We are interested in the wellbeing of the people we support because we value the whole person and recognise that human beings are more than just the function that they perform in the workplace. Good emotional health is important for everyone and chaplaincy as a friendly listening ear and, where appropriate, as a signpost to other more specialist support structures, helps people to deal more effectively with whatever life throws at them.
We are interested in the spirituality of the people we speak to because we recognise that spirituality, in its various forms, is a source of strength, inspiration and solace for many. We provide support for people of all faiths and none. We do not proselytize or “convert” people but help them to understand and engage with their own spirituality.
“As a Chaplain people can tell me anything that they may be worried about and open up to me in ways they may not be able to with friends and family; offering a safe space, a listening ear and a strong shoulder onto which people can unburden themselves. When other sources of caring and listening are overwhelmed by other commitments of their work a Chaplain can fill the gaps and catch those people who may fall by the wayside.”
Stories from our partners
“We consider our Chaplain here at Liverpool Airport to be an integral member of our team, but she also provides so much practical and emotional support for the wider Airport community.”
“The Open Table Network aims to create safer spaces for LGBT+ people and allies to explore faith together. We are co-hosting the ‘Liverpool Loves You’ event, service and anti-hate crime vigil on Saturday 14th May 2022 as a safe affirming space for LGBT+ people, and our allies, and we’re delighted that MITE chaplains will be on hand throughout the event to offer hospitality and pastoral care throughout the day. Thank you for your solidarity!”
“MitE plays a vital role in our communities . Offering support, hope and solutions to a diverse set of personal challenges; MitE is an integral part of our care and support systems.”
“The town centre chaplains do a fabulous job here in St Helens and provide a really important service and opportunity to both residents and traders, not only as a listening ear and a connecting point with local communities but also as someone to talk to.
”Having their presence in St Helens not only encourages residents to come into the town centre but also hopefully also reassures them that there is always someone there for them to engage with, perhaps at times when they need it the most.”
Stories from our service users
“The chaplain’s words made a really tough day bearable, in fact, it turned it around for me – really kind, thoughtful words chosen carefully meant that my day changed direction.”