Liverpool Chaplains Get Cooking for Christian Aid

The theme for Christian Aid Week this year was the 'Big Brekkie' which encouraged people to 'Save a Life With a Sausage Sarnie!' The Liverpool city centre Chaplains grabbed this opportunity to raise money and awareness of a good cause with both hands. Big Brekkie Sausage Sarnie

The bacon and sausages (both meat and vegetarian) were donated by My Local, the tea, coffee and sugar by Marks and Spencer's, both on Church Street, and the Bread Church baked 100 fresh bread rolls for the event.

attachmentBill Addy Staff Chaplains together

Dean Pete Wilcox helped out serving tea and coffee at Wildwood Kitchen who very kindly donated their premises, staff and their wifi!

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The event managed to raise around £280 for Christian Aid, enough to make a real difference to a family. Thank you to everyone who donated time, food and money, you're all stars!