Great Feedback from Hope+ Foodbank


Mission in the economy received praise in Hope+ Foodbank's Christmas letter. The letter offers those who support the Foodbank an update on how things are going up to now. According to the letter, Hope+ has provided food for just over 23,000 people since it first opened its doors on the 14th February 2014. The letter reads,

'Our big news this year has undoubtedly been the refugee crisis. We are working both ecumenically and across all faiths to provide as much support as possible...Our joint clothes bank project with British Red Cross for all those in need, especially newly arrived asylum seekers, has been a very much needed response. Special mention should go to Revd Jean Flood and all the wonderful people at Mission in the Economy for their sterling work here. They provide us with amazing year round support, but have pulled out even more stops than the Cathedral organ in support of the clothes bank; even acquiring a stall at St John's Market where people can bring their donations. Many of the market traders have also provided very generous donations...

Than you once again for your support of all we have tried to do. We are still evolving; still developing what we hope will become a model for a sustainable holistic approach to tackling food poverty. With your continued support we can only aim to achieve even more in the next twelve months.'


Thank you to everyone who has made a donation or offered their time to help.